27" Thunderbolt display turned off after a few minutes(Please help!)
Right, I am using the quite old display manufactured from 2011.
If you want to say buying a dell monitor, please ignore this request.
This symptom happened a while ago and I really tried to figure out why, but I couldn’t find out. Btw, thanks a lot someone who created this forum! I got a lot of knowledge.
So, the problem happens just after few minutes later. When I unplugged it and connected it again, it sometimes fixed. However, it never continue more than 30 minutes. I already tried to connect display from another thunderbolt from back panel instead of all-in-one cable. It works but never continued neither. I replaced the All-in-one cable and there was no change. I replaced the power supply unit with my another apple cinema display(not Thunderbolt display), but it didn’t work. I found out the PSU is the same with the Cinema display.
The things that I can try from now is
1. replacing logic board
2. AC Power Inlet.
Can anyone succeed to fix 27” Apple Thunderbolt Display ever?
I reached out to local repair shop, but they asked me around $400 for fix.
Please help me!! I don’t have money for buying $5-6000 monitor!!!!