It depends.
1) Did you turn on your Xbox after you’d spilt a liquid on it? If yes, than repairability decreases by a huge margin.
2) Did you disconnect Xbox from a wall power after accident? If no, than chances of successful repair are going down again.
3) How much liquid got inside and what internals did it touch? If nothing crucial, you might get a chance at restoring most of the functionality of your Xbox. But again, that depends.
I’d suggest carefully prying your Xbox, disassemblying it and giving it a good alcohol bath or clean everything with alcohol (Ethanol 95% is the best for this, but other types of alcohol that do not have anything but alcohol can work, too). And after good cleaning you can try to give it a repair technician, so that he/she could check everything for additional damage that can be prevented before turning on the system. That can increase success rate by a decent margin. Good luck!