Sony Bravia 40". KDL40W650D. NO POWER, RED light flashes 3
My Sony Bravia 40" sony KDL40W650D 40 led 2016 will not power on via remote or manual button on back. Every so often the red light flashes 3times in quick succession. IT JUST STOPPED!!! Why? What could have caused this...Am I able to reset...if red light is on it is getting some power....why not fully on? Been reading comments - can I reset myself?
Sony Bravia 40". KDL40W650D. NO POWER, RED light flashes 3
My Sony Bravia 40" sony KDL40W650D 40 led 2016 will not power on via remote or manual button on back. Every so often the red light flashes 3times in quick succession. IT JUST STOPPED!!! Why? What could have caused this...Am I able to reset...if red light is on it is getting some power....why not fully on? Been reading comments - can I reset myself?