"Print head missing" after replacing the printhead.
I was getting a print head error after buying brand new cartridges. I went down the route of reseating the print head, then soaking it over night in an alcohol solution, letting it dry for several hours, verifying it didn't have any moisture and reinstalling it. Still same error. After resetting the firmware to factory defaults and going through the initial setup, such as language, I am now getting "Print Head missing." I reseated it, nothing. I purchased a new/refurbished print head, and get the same exact thing. I've also tried gently rubbing the contacts behind the print head with alcohol q-tip swab, and no good. Only thing I'm thinking at this point is to tear it down and reseat all of the ribbon cables and hope one of the main boards isn't bad. After spending $75 on original HP ink, then another $35 on a print head with refilled ink, it's making me to never want an ink jet again as I have an extra $110 of junk ink laying around that I can't use unless I but an outdated printer.
"Print head missing" after replacing the printhead.
I was getting a print head error after buying brand new cartridges. I went down the route of reseating the print head, then soaking it over night in an alcohol solution, letting it dry for several hours, verifying it didn't have any moisture and reinstalling it. Still same error. After resetting the firmware to factory defaults and going through the initial setup, such as language, I am now getting "Print Head missing." I reseated it, nothing. I purchased a new/refurbished print head, and get the same exact thing. I've also tried gently rubbing the contacts behind the print head with alcohol q-tip swab, and no good. Only thing I'm thinking at this point is to tear it down and reseat all of the ribbon cables and hope one of the main boards isn't bad. After spending $75 on original HP ink, then another $35 on a print head with refilled ink, it's making me to never want an ink jet again as I have an extra $110 of junk ink laying around that I can't use unless I but an outdated printer.