
現在のバージョン作成者: Julio Osilia


-Hello I fixed one iPhone 7 today, we replace the broken glass only not the LCD so we use the same backlights with the same long home button cable but the home button is not working and is the same original LCD we just separated the glass and install a new one, the screen is working great but nothing with the home button.
+=== Update (02/09/2017) ===
+Ok I think that finally I found the problem so first I want to explain something.
+A guy wrote here that he just opened an iPhone 7 and he didn't unplugged anything and the home button stop working. I already open 4 iphone 7 and after open the phone using a heat gun the home button still works fine before unplug anything so the heat won't damage the home button.
+Other people is writing that maybe is because the replacement screen is not original well that is not the cause why the home button stop working neither because I just replace the glass from the LCD for two iPhones 7 and the home button stop working and that is with the original LCD and cables.
+So the problem that I found so far is when yes tried to remove the big metal plate from the screen where the large home button cable goes under with glue. We apply heat on that plate to be able to separate that plate from the cable and looks like the cable is really really soft so even if you don't break it inside gets damage so we replace the backlight with that cable and the home button start to works fine again.
+Conclusion: we found that using the original LCD but replacing the backlight with the long cable will solve the issue (we solve the issue twice so far)



オリジナル投稿者: Julio Osilia


Hello I fixed one iPhone 7 today, we replace the broken glass only not the LCD so we use the same backlights with the same long home button cable but the home button is not working and is the same original LCD we just separated the glass and install a new one, the screen is working great but nothing with the home button.

