Hi, I have recently taken my xbox one controller apart to replace the abxy rubber mat and when I put it back together it won't turn on. I can hold the home button down and it'll turn on but once I release the button it will turn off. Also, I can plug the USB cable from the console into the controller and it works perfectly. If anyone has any answers to why I won't work properly with batteries I would be greatful
Hi, I have recently taken my Xbox One Controller apart to replace the ABXY rubber mat and when I put it back together it won't turn on. I can hold the home button down and it'll turn on but once I release the button it will turn off. Also, I can plug the USB cable from the console into the controller and it works perfectly. If anyone has any answers to why I won't work properly with batteries I would be grateful.
Hi, I have recently taken my xbox one controller apart to replace the abxy rubber mat and when I put it back together it won't turn on. I can hold the home button down and it'll turn on but once I release the button it will turn off. Also, I can plug the USB cable from the console into the controller and it works perfectly. If anyone has any answers to why I won't work properly with batteries I would be greatful
Hi, I have recently taken my xbox one controller apart to replace the abxy rubber mat and when I put it back together it won't turn on. I can hold the home button down and it'll turn on but once I release the button it will turn off. Also, I can plug the USB cable from the console into the controller and it works perfectly. If anyone has any answers to why I won't work properly with batteries I would be greatful