My suggestion is to do a factory reset to your GPS. This will allow you to start over as if it were new.
Either in the owners manual or in the built-in menu should be an option to do a factory reset.
Make sure you are in a clear area when you do this so that the GPS gets a clean signal to the satellites.
Once that's done re-enter your Home address into the HOME registry fields. After which then put in an address that you know close by let's say a couple miles away that you would like to visit as a test to make sure it is functioning properly. If it routes a direction that you know is good. Then it should be fine from there. If nothing happens then your units antenna is malfunctioned. If it's in warranty you can get it fixed through the manufacture, if not then maybe has the solution. You can verify routes using Google Maps against your GPS. (Note: not all GPS units work the same. Depends on the manufacturers mapping program and street data base). Good Luck.