
オリジナル投稿者: Connor Sweeney


This issue there are a couple of possible causes first being the battery is dead and batteries die from being on the charger for too long and with time, the second being the ac adapter isn’t working.  To verify that it is not the ac adapter you will need another identical ac adapter from BestBuy to check if that is the issue.  If the new charger doesn’t help the next step would be taking the back cover off the Insignia Flex and replacing the battery.  The next big issue with the Insignia Flex 11.6 is the charging port.  The charging port is a big issue on cell phone and tablets it wears out overtime.  If you plug in the charger and it doesn’t register that usually means that the port it worn out.  To fix the port you are going to have to replace it by taking the back cover of the Insignia device off and replacing the part.

