How do I fix the photo "trigger" button (missing)?
The button that you press to take the photo recently came off. I don't have the button. A local repair shop said it would cost $140 CDN to fix ($40 for transport to the repair location, $100 for part and labour). This camera is about 3 - 4 years old, and a replacement would cost perhaps $250, so it is difficult to justify the cost.
Can anyone help with both acquiring the part, and instructions on how to install it?
Andrea (Waterloo, ON)
How do I fix the photo "trigger" button (missing)?
The button that you press to take the photo recently came off. I don't have the button. A local repair shop said it would cost $140 CDN to fix ($40 for transport to the repair location, $100 for part and labour). This camera is about 3 - 4 years old, and a replacement would cost perhaps $250, so it is difficult to justify the cost.
Can anyone help with both acquiring the part, and instructions on how to install it?
Andrea (Waterloo, ON)