
現在のバージョン作成者: Cory Ihnotic


-If your BRCK v1 is not holding a charge, you may need to replace the battery or fix the connection connecting the mother board to the battery. To view how to make these corrections, visit our repair guide page. [41539|Battery Replacement] [https://www.ifixit.com/Guide/Battery+Connection/41734|Battery Connection]
+If your BRCK v1 is not holding a charge, you may need to replace the battery or fix the connection connecting the mother board to the battery. To view how to make these corrections, visit our repair guide page. [https://www.ifixit.com/Guide/BRCK+v1+Battery+Replacement/41539|Battery Replacement] [guide|41734|Battery Connection]



編集者: Cory Ihnotic


-If your BRCK v1 is not holding a charge, you may need to replace the battery or fix the connection connecting the mother board to the battery. To view how to make these corrections, visit our repair guide page. [41539|Battery Replacement] [41734|Battery Connection]
+If your BRCK v1 is not holding a charge, you may need to replace the battery or fix the connection connecting the mother board to the battery. To view how to make these corrections, visit our repair guide page. [41539|Battery Replacement] [https://www.ifixit.com/Guide/Battery+Connection/41734|Battery Connection]



編集者: Cory Ihnotic


-If your BRCK v1 is not holding a charge, you may need to replace the battery or fix the connection connecting the mother board to the battery. To view how to make these corrections, visit our repair guide page.
+If your BRCK v1 is not holding a charge, you may need to replace the battery or fix the connection connecting the mother board to the battery. To view how to make these corrections, visit our repair guide page. [41539|Battery Replacement] [41734|Battery Connection]



オリジナル投稿者: Cory Ihnotic


If your BRCK v1 is not holding a charge, you may need to replace the battery or fix the connection connecting the mother board to the battery. To view how to make these corrections, visit our repair guide page.

