Just get a Compact flash card for this thing. You can't buy new MicroDrives, and a CF card would make this more stable and load faster in baby situations. Any reasonably large card (8GB+) will usually work, although you may need to do some research to be sure first.
Just get a Compact flash card and call it a day. You can't buy new MicroDrives, and a CF card would make this more stable and load faster in baby situations. Any reasonably large card (8GB+) will usually work, although you may need to do some research to be sure first.
Once the card is installed, you will need to restore the iPod in Disk Mode. To do this, hold the center button and the play/pause together until it's in Disk Mode. Restore it in iTunes when this is done.
Just get a Compact flash card for this thing. You can't buy new MicroDrives, and a CF card would make this more stable and load faster in baby situations. [http://www.amazon.com/Kingston-CompactFlash-Memory-CF-8GB/dp/B001NXDB4A/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1420273257&sr=8-1&keywords=8GB+CF+card|this one.] This is a 8GB card, so it will max the iPod out.
Just get a Compact flash card for this thing. You can't buy new MicroDrives, and a CF card would make this more stable and load faster in baby situations. Any reasonably large card (8GB+) will usually work, although you may need to do some research to be sure first.
You will need to restore in Disk Mode, though. To do this, hold the center button and the play/pause together until it's in Disk Mode. Restore it in iTunes when this is done.
Once the card is installed, you will need to restore the iPod in Disk Mode. To do this, hold the center button and the play/pause together until it's in Disk Mode. Restore it in iTunes when this is done.
Just get a Compact flash card for this thing. You can't buy new MicroDrives, and a CF card would make this more stable and harder to kill. Get [http://www.amazon.com/Kingston-CompactFlash-Memory-CF-8GB/dp/B001NXDB4A/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1420273257&sr=8-1&keywords=8GB+CF+card|this one.] This is a 8GB card, so it will max the iPod out.
Just get a Compact flash card for this thing. You can't buy new MicroDrives, and a CF card would make this more stable and load faster in baby situations. [http://www.amazon.com/Kingston-CompactFlash-Memory-CF-8GB/dp/B001NXDB4A/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1420273257&sr=8-1&keywords=8GB+CF+card|this one.] This is a 8GB card, so it will max the iPod out.
You will need to restore in Disk Mode, though. To do this, hold the center button and the play/pause together until it's in Disk Mode. Restore it in iTunes when this is done.
Just get a Compact flash card for this thing. You can't buy new MicroDrives, and a CF card would make this more stable and harder to kill. Get [http://www.amazon.com/Kingston-CompactFlash-Memory-CF-8GB/dp/B001NXDB4A/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1420273257&sr=8-1&keywords=8GB+CF+card|this one.] This is a 8GB card, so it will max the iPod out.
You will need to restore in Disk Mode, though. To do this, hold the center button and the play/pause together until it's in Disk Mode. Restore it in iTunes when this is done.
You can use a CF card or buy a MicroDrive to fix it
Just get a Compact flash card for this thing. You can't buy new MicroDrives, and a CF card would make this more stable and harder to kill. Get [http://www.amazon.com/Kingston-CompactFlash-Memory-CF-8GB/dp/B001NXDB4A/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1420273257&sr=8-1&keywords=8GB+CF+card|this one.] This is a 8GB card, so it will max the iPod out.