
オリジナル投稿者: thaitanik


'''I HAVE FINALLY FOUND THE SOLUTION TO THIS! Thanks to a great customer service rep at APPLE who had a familiar problem! '''

Plug your phone into any iHOME or any docking station type of charger that plays music. Play a song on the docking station music device while its charging. Take it off the charger and enjoy!

1. Find an iHome music device or any music playing device made specifically for the iphone (you can walk into any bestbuy, walmart, etc. that have them on display if you don't have one or don't feel like spending money to use)

Here are a couple of examples of what they look like:

a. http://bit.ly/RULeV1

b. http://bit.ly/Ppz0It

2. Put it on the docking station, until it says its charged, then press the play button on the device until it plays out the speakers of the docking station (I'd play a couple songs on the device before taking it off just to make sure its working..or until a customer rep in the store complains about the loud music LOL)

3. Take it off the docking station and it should be working fine!


'''bless all those that use this technique, and get it to work!!'''

''I tried all the other methods and had no luck including:

* backup, restoring the phone
* Resetting the settings of the phone to default
* Calling a contact and hitting speaker phone two times and hanging up''

