Heather, there is no way of bypassing it. It is the CMOS password and can not simply be bypassed. You can check on the [http://support.dell.com/support/topics/global.aspx/support/kcs/document?c=us&cs=19&docid=52016&doclang=en&l=en&s=dhs|Dell support site] and try to follow those instructions. Anything else, you will have to call Dell and see if they can issue a standard password, based on your computers models number etc.
Heather, there is no way of bypassing it. It is the BIOS password and can not simply be bypassed. You can check on the [http://support.dell.com/support/topics/global.aspx/support/kcs/document?c=us&cs=19&docid=52016&doclang=en&l=en&s=dhs|Dell support site] and try to follow those instructions. Anything else, you will have to call Dell and see if they can issue a standard password, based on your computers models number etc.
Heather, there is no way of bypassing it. It is the CMOS password and can not simply be bypassed. You can check on the [http://support.dell.com/support/topics/global.aspx/support/kcs/document?c=us&cs=19&docid=52016&doclang=en&l=en&s=dhs|Dell support site] and try to follow those instructions. Anything else, you will have to call Dell and see if they can issue a standard password, based on your computers models number etc.